

Claudia Cardin-KleffnerIf you’re not familiar with it, the OT behind my name means that I am an Occupational Therapist and the CYT means that I am also a Certified Yoga Therapist.

What does that mean for you?

In my years of helping people live a full and vibrant life as an occupational therapist, I discovered most people have no idea how they move or why they move the way they do. They don’t realize they may need to know about the nervous system or the endocrine system or how to breathe diaphragmatically.

What got me excited about adding the yoga therapy to my rehab skills is that when I gently taught people to pay attention to how they were moving, they discovered how the inefficient ways they used their bodies were actually creating or contributing to their health challenges.

What others say …

Claudia taught me how to breathe. If you have never used your entire diaphragm or don’t know how to calm yourself when you are consumed by stress, yoga is for you! Claudia’s expertise in therapeutic yoga literally makes her the ideal teacher for every level of yoga – but it is her ability to communicate and connect with people that ensures great results!”
–Anne S.

Who do I help?

I work with those who suffer from:

  • Musculoskeletal issues, such as upper or lower back pain or pain and injuries to the joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons that may result in carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis. Claudia Cardin-Kleffner
  • Chronic pain and inflammatory issues that arise from cancer treatments and chronic health conditions such as osteoporosis, chronic fatigue or arthritis.
  • Mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression.
  • Neurological or nervous system disorders such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s.
  • Metabolic and other health challenges, such as diabetes, insomnia, low or high blood pressure.

My 35 years’ practicing western medicine as an Occupational Therapist combined with my yoga training makes me uniquely qualified to help you effectively deal with these health challenges.

Where can you find me?

I offer Therapeutic Yoga classes in Yoga Studios, Wellness Clinics, in hospital-settings, and virtually.

I also work one-on-one with clients. If you suffer from a chronic health condition that would benefit from one-on-one yoga therapy, contact me to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation.

I often get referrals from Sastun Associates, Sastun Direct, hospital-based practitioners, and other wellness providers.

I regularly recommend meditation, mindfulness and yoga to my patients who want to improve cognitive function, create more peace and stability in their lives, reduce the adverse experience of stress and especially for yoga, to increase flexibility and strength. All these factors improve longevity as well as improved physical and mental function. Claudia is my ‘go to’ colleague for these services – she gets wonderful results and my patients love her!
— Dr. Jane Murray, MD, Sastun Associates